There has been a lot of
hype on social media and like recently regarding a “Strong is the
new skinny” campaign (if one can call it that). I'm not sure where
this started and I'm not actually going to bother researching that
bit of information, but it's definitely out there. I'm going to
extrapolate a little and say that what I think is being inferred here
is that where once 'skinny' was seen as the standard of beauty, now
'strong' is that standard. Perhaps this doesn't sound like such a
bad thing. After all, isn't it time we stopped associating beauty
with a singular attribute such as size and started associating it
with something more useful and complex? Well, yes and no. I have a
few problems with this. (Gosh, it's SO easy to be the critic!)
Well, for starters,
when you make a statement declaring that X-attribute is beautiful,
there is at least some (perhaps unintended) inference that the
opposite is not. That is an unnecessarily confusing way of saying
that, for example, during all those years where 'skinny was
beautiful', there was an undercurrent that being larger was not. I'm
really into analogies lately, so the way I visualize this is that
when someone makes a bold statement like “Strong is the new
skinny”, they create a bus...Let's call it the “Strong-is-Beautiful
bus”...And this bus is decorated with banners with that slogan on
it, and there are beautiful people hanging out the window, in this
case, flexing their biceps, flashing their abs, taking selfies, and
posting their workout schedules to facebook. As you can imagine, this
is a pretty cool bus and lots of people want to get on, but there is
this angry bus driver/bouncer dude taking %body fat and quadricep
measurements at the door deciding who can get on and who can't. And
dude just turned me down because at present, with a going chronic
illness that prevents me from working out, I just didn't make the
cut. Tell me, is the most prudent thing for me to do at this point to
walk away with my tail between my legs and catch the first 'ugly bus'
that will let me on???
Well, Strong is a state
of mind as much as a state of body, you say? Well have a look at
F&*K! She doesn't
even have a head. Assuming that the mind is located in the head,
that is not what these images would suggest. And if you think that
this headless image endorsing this mantra is an anomaly, you would be
wrong... Have a google sometime or just take my word for it.
Going back to the
“Beautiful bus”, don't think for a second that because I am on
this rant that I am suggesting that I am/have been above trying to
squeeze my ass on that thing in times past. I am not, and dude may
even have let me ride occasionally, but the point I want to make is
that the older I get, the more I realize that beauty is a feeling
that has nothing to do with riding that bus or any bus. I wish I
could follow this by saying that I have come to not care about the
definition of beauty and instead pursue the that which makes me feel
beautiful, but that is only exactly 44% true. I absolutely do
try to focus on pursuing those things that make me 'feel beautiful',
some of them superficial (wearing clothes that make me feel awesome)
and some of them not (blogging and spending time with my husband and
besties, etc.). The other 6% of the time I am trying jump on the
#skinnyjeansbeautiful bus or some such nonsense. The other 50%
recognizes that how beauty is defined in the media has real
consequence because those buses driving by with their beautiful
people and flashy signs are very much affecting each of my three
children's feelings of beauty. And that matters VERY much to me.
What I would say to
them about this when they are ready? Two things:
One. When you do manage
to catch that bus, whatever the banner says, have a look
will probably notice that it is the same people that were on a
different flashy/beautiful bus with a different flashy slogan a few
weeks ago, and those people are no more or no less beautiful for
being on that or any bus.
Two. Don't get too
comfortable, because as long as you're jumping onto a bus where
someone else chose the slogan and hung the banners, dude can ask you
to get off at anytime.
Of course, we know that
beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and is most certainly NOT
limited to physicality, but my point is that campaigns (or whatever
you want to call them) like these are dangerous. Young people
especially who are looking for identity, belonging and beauty (as we
all do) really buy into this stuff with their wallets and their
persons. However well-meaning or even well-chosen the trait, beauty
just cannot be summed up in any single adjective. As my kids grow,
and god-willing become aware of traffic (when does this actually
happen?), no doubt these buses will still be passing by. They have
been for all of time. My hope is just that they will have the
courage to pull out a can of spray paint and decorate that bus
Love it! It's so important that children realize their own unique beauty! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks so much! I needed to hear this right now. As much as I'd like to think I was past jumping on other people's buses like the skinny bus, I was still contemplating jumping on the strong bus. I started jumping onto the "strong is beautiful" bus for all the wrong reasons. I hope now I can jump on my own bus for all the right reasons! Thanks Auntie! :)
ReplyDelete💜 Beauty is bubbling over in you, Courtney.
ReplyDeleteThanks Auntie Adel! same to you! :)